Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jimmy Choo-less.

Oh Golly I haven't written in so long.

Once upon a time there was a pair of crocs.
Once upon a time there was a girl.
This girl had thrown away her old shoes in a fit of fury. Poof. Gone.
It was wonderful, she was happy, and barefoot.
winter was coming.
And a pair of crocs said to her,
"take me. Take me home, I'm comfortable."
And the girl took the fact to be so, and in doing so took the shoes.
No longer barefoot.
Her crocs were indeed comfortable. They were fantastic for everyday use.
But they were crocs.
Made out of rubber. They had holes in them and let the cold in. And try as hard as you can to dress them up, they're still just crocs.
The girl liked the crocs fine.
But sometimes,
she felt the need to put on a pair of heels.
Of, oh say, Jimmy Choo Stilettos.
With gold studs on the heel.
And yes the crocs were fine,
but really, fine can only get you so far.
And today,
the girl is wondering what to do about those crocs,
the ones she took home and often feels so devoted to, and often so detached.
Why can't she find a pair of heels in her size?

What is art to you?

Art is something that speaks to me
that jumps out and grabs me and shakes me.
Something that is so achingly beautiful and I can't look away
and, contrastingly, so ordinarily wonderous that you don't ever realize it.


CaptainAwesome said...


Your size is there. But you need to look a little bit harder. It's probably at the bottom of the clearance bin and you have to look extra hard because someone mixed up your pair of shoes in two different bins. You'll find him. If you really want to make the sale, you'll find him.


you can go for the crocs with fur lining.

beverley said...

what size are you? is this like a metaphor or something? it was a cute story nonetheless.

and, you took the words out of my mouth about art. That is exactly how I feel.