taking odd sideways photos at safeway? yes.
we do that.
I love you like a favourite pair of jeans.
Means everytime we talk, no matter how much has changed,
nothing really has.
What would i do in life without my best friends?
Specifically, that one?
Means fighting to the death over a cell phone, or the last piece of pizza, and laughing at the loser. "Too bad sucker!" we'd shout, and then help the other person off the ground, only to push them down, and run away screaming.

Remember that time, Ee, when we went out walking in the summer?
It was really really hot, and we went to VV? I bought a big man shirt. We stole a balloon, didn't we? Or did we just think about it?
And we got lost trying to get back to me house.
Remember when in grade 10, H and I stole you? You were heading to practicum, and we kidnapped you, took you to the mall instead? We called to tell the school you couldn't make it, and low and behold, there was no school that day anyways! We went to the mall, laughing, had A&W, and bought some nonesense stuff.
Remember when we would be bored and restless, and say, MEET YOU HALF WAY, and run to the half way point between our houses, at which point we would collide and just lay on some strangers lawn, laughing? Remember the day I brought you chocolate?
Remember the day you me and your dad went out for coffee at tims? We got back to your house, and there was an offer for it right there on the counter as you and I walked in. We knew the house would be sold then, and we joked too loudly about tearing it up or hiding it. And I sat on your RIDICULOUSLY steep stairs, and tried not to cry? And you freaked out, tried to cheer me up, and slipped on the floor? Remember how empty your house felt that day?

Remember the day you and that guy broke up? And we just ran at eachother in the halls, and hugged, both of us crying? Even that guy i was with hugged you, you were so sad? Remember how much rootbeer you drank that day?
Wow, remember root beer? Remember how everyday we would drink root beer? Remember how we couldnt survive precal without one? Remember precal, for that matter? That semester was a disaster!
Remember Mr.Howdle? And how we would walk out of his class when the weather was nice, and eat pizza outside, and not go back til class was over? Remember Mr.Fritze, and the other guy? Remember the point system?!
Remember "Pebbles?"
Remember the tracks? How everything was better on the tracks. We lived our lives on the tracks.
Remember the day I told you what happened between crocs and me?
And the floor? And the droopy asparagus, cooked asparagus, CUCMBER? Remember the limo ride, and all those blasted mini doughtnuts?
Remember our downtown adventures? The picnic table, the park, "polo park", the exchange? Remember Zac, and meeting him? Remember the fair trade expo?

Remember that morning when it was raining, but we were at school early, so we went for a walk to starbucks? We were SOAKED by the time we got back to school, and had to wear gym clothing as our real ones were in the foods room drier?
All the faces we made?
Oh my gosh... Ee how much have we done and been through together.
Us, just two broke artists, who know ALL about the evils of retail and fast food. We're gonna grow up and be the same as ever.
Hell, we are growing up, aren't we?
Idunno. I guess all this was just to say --
For Ee : I cherish you. Never will there be another person in my life like you, or as important to me as you are. And everyday I tell SOMEONE a story about you or us.
For everyone : Hold tight to your best friend, make sure they know theyre loved, make sure you know you love them. Go have an adventure with them. You know they want one too.