I would add up what you mean to me, but I cannot do the math. But, needless to say you're the one, that I need the most. Because the only one I come undone for's you. The only one I come undone for's you.
The sun is out. It feels like it's been hiding from us for so long, but now, I have my living room windows open. Wind and sun is streaming in, and my arms are both warm and cold at the same time.
We are a society of sun worshippers. Or, if not, I am. Every day the sun is out, I want to be out too. Out walking and listening to music, drinking bitter acidic coffee, jumping in leftovers puddles.
Every time you jump in a puddle, it gets a little smaller

I don't know why, but school is making me so tired lately. Maybe it's my 30lbs backpack. Maybe its the change in the weather, or the fact that my body is in denial after a week of relaxation. Maybe I'm just lazy lately - I'm not getting enough excersise? Maybe it's too much coffee and too little food. All I know is that the minute i get home, pull my math out, onto my lap, I sink right into the couch and can't move for at least an hour. Gives me time do get some math done at least! =)
My friend is down in NewYorkCity. I've been missing him. Monday he called me (and i missed the call! MAN!) But when I got online, he was able to chat with me for a few minutes before he left.
He called me from BROADWAY! A payphone on BROADWAY!
I must admitt, that made me so happy. It's not even something I can describe. Just... Wow.
I have the number saved on my phone
"Broadway PayPhone" it says. ☺
This one's for Carmen :
We don't know eachother well enough! We go for walks - not often enough - and we have a killer time, laughing and making snow angels and talking over eachother and smoking and drinking coffee.
When you're not in chamber or choir, i miss you like mad! not just because your voice supports mine, and because you're GOODNESS and volume gives me confidence, but because it's AWFUL not having anyone to giggle with and chat with when we shouldnt be ^^
I have spring fever.
just when you think srping comes, a HUGE blizzard comes
love you ^^
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