Monday, October 5, 2009

These are a few of my favourite things
wicked awesome site for people who are learing guitar and who, like me, suck at reading tabs. Lots of neato options on here. Check it out!

Monopoly at McDonalds
cause after all, we all of us like money right?

Vocal Jazz

and the "z" in this font! oolala!

The Millennium Libray
downtown! it's huge and quiet and full of books! lots of natural lighting, and i find i get loads of work done there

My new alarm clock
it plays my iPod for me in the morning! HELLA DANK!

The new building at my school!
it's so new and large! at long last, I do not have to walk through the freezing minus a million cold to get from class to class! and free Wireless? can i get a HEYYA?

Gold or yellow seem to be the new "it" colours for me lately. Paired with orange/red, i think its the perfect colour scheme for fall in this dark cold city.

Zombie Movies
I love zombies movies as much as the next man-GIRL! or more. Who doesn't enjoy some good zombie rampage and carnage? Haven't seen Zombieland yet. WANT TO!


Anonymous said...

:) i like?
this LIST!
certainly gave me a distraction from my math.
free wireless?!?!?!
get the basement ready 'nin!
ima comin' home!!!! xD

beverley said...

they. have. wireless?!?
holy shit!