Wednesday, November 4, 2009

this is why i live

"there are things you do because they feel right. and they may make no sense. and they may make no money. and it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other, and to eat each others cooking and say it was good"

given the chance,
i'd swallow
every work and every look
that you've let slip
as it is,
i keep your kiss
in my back pockey.
my favourite little secret.

today, i want to
braid a ribbon
into my hair.
today i want to
laugh in your
stupid love sick face.
i hold the power
and i hold you in contempt today.

alright baby.
go ahead.
and have your temper tantrum.
im not your mother.
im not your babysitter.
so go on babe.
scream and cry
because i wont flinch
unless to
walk away
and leave you to you.

A philosophy assignment
There is no God. No purpose, no meaning, no collective truth.
Why don't we all kill ourselves? Why do we are a species, continue?

I don't think these are good enough reasons to kill ourselves! There is no collective truth, but I don't find that depressing. I find that freeing! No. I find that inspiring. If there is no collective truth, then there is only individual, subjective truth. And when individuals find a common truth or a common beauty among all the chaos that a god-less world just be, then it's all the more beautiful. Design is all very well and good, but beauty from chaos is... aweinspiring. And majestic. When you look at you friend and you both laugh because of something you thought but never said, and you see their smile, and the sun shifts and the atoms all aling just right and choices are decided which lead you up to this one moment of, 'oh your eyes' of being you, and here, and me, and you and me and this.