Monday, September 29, 2008

Something Bev Reminded me about

And something i've been meaning to blog about, for that matter.

I have major trust issues.
I have absolutly zero trust for people.

I try. I really really do.

But I just have so much problems trusting people with anything.

And it's fucked me over, I'll admit.
Great relationships and friendships have been ended because I just can't deal with it
And the fact that I just can't seem to be able to trust them.

& it makes it worse,
that when I do find someone I completly, 100%-
I just end up getting pushed into the dirt more often than not.

Leading up to the current situation,

How am I supposed to trust him then?
Let him get to close?

He could really hurt me.

Like someone else did, who promised not to,
oh so long ago.

How can i just let myself be happy with all this,
when I don't trust myself to be.

That's where it goes back to I guess.
I don't trust myself either.