If I had one wish, my one wish would be,
I was out on a rock, in the middle of the sea.
Good day all.
Stress has me by the throat.
In a death grip.
Lovely, no?
Today I had two XL cups of Tim Horton's french vanilla cappuccino.
And no, I won nothing. Disappointing, no?
Bar song
When George awoke the following morning, his mind did not immediatly drift to her.
No, not immediatly. First he thought about how cold his toes were, how he needed to go to the bathroom.
In the bathroom he noted that he needed to pick up some toliet paper on his way home from work, and that his left ear itched.
Such mundane thoughts continued in such a mundane fashion throughout his morning routine.
Continued, until he was at the breakfast table, eating a bowl of cherrios with his daughter.
As they chatter of mundane things, or more, she chatted while George nodded. Mundanly.
George's eyes lazily drifted around the kitchen, and happened upon the flowers he brought home last night. His ears turned a most brilliant shade of crimson, rivaling the flowers themselves.
It was then his thoughts turned to her.
Turned so fast it was like whiplash of the mind.No, not immediatly. First he thought about how cold his toes were, how he needed to go to the bathroom.
In the bathroom he noted that he needed to pick up some toliet paper on his way home from work, and that his left ear itched.
Such mundane thoughts continued in such a mundane fashion throughout his morning routine.
Continued, until he was at the breakfast table, eating a bowl of cherrios with his daughter.
As they chatter of mundane things, or more, she chatted while George nodded. Mundanly.
George's eyes lazily drifted around the kitchen, and happened upon the flowers he brought home last night. His ears turned a most brilliant shade of crimson, rivaling the flowers themselves.
It was then his thoughts turned to her.
And he stared so intensely into his morning cup of tea that an observant person would have seen that George's thoughts were not where they ought to have been.
Thankfully, his daughter Beth was not an observant person.
Beth prattles on about how Mr.Roberski was organizing a football team, and anyone who's anyone knows that the cheerleaders will be the best part of it, and how she wants to be a cheerleaders more than ANYTHING, but Mrs.Mulson is head of that, and she has it out for her, so she'll never get to join and her social life is going to be ruined.
And George drank his tea.

maybe I'd love it
if you spoke to me in french, italian, spanish
if you spoke to me in french, italian, spanish
maybe i want you to romance me.
maybe i need you more than i'm willing to admit.
maybe i need you more than i'm willing to admit.
maybe this whole thing is a lie.
maybe i don't want you trying to open me up again
maybe i don't want you trying to open me up again
maybe i don't want you
maybe i want to mean everything to you
maybe i want to mean nothing to you
maybe i can't stand this indesicion
maybe i'm not loving this tension
maybe i want to be alone.
maybe being happy with you doesn't appeal to me one little bit
maybe being happy with you doesn't appeal to me one little bit
maybe is a very interesting word indeed. *HUG*
:) i love the little story
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