Saturday, October 18, 2008

At my house

Politics is taboo
because my father is a Center right
my sister is a Right
my mum is a left
and I'm a center right/right.

The battle between us is all in good fun
until my mum hops in
which is still fun
until she gets all extremeist on us.

I don't like stating my opinions to my parents sometimes because they always grill me on them so much that it unnerves me.
That one isnot their fault, it's my lack of conviction.

I remember once when I told my mother I do not believe in capital punishment.
(She does.)
Her and I battled it out
until she started yelling at me about a boy who was forced to bite the curb while other people stomped on him, and that those people deserved to die
(I was 11)
I ran off crying and holding my hands over my ears and went into my room.
My mother came in and told it to me again until i screamed STOP IT and she left.

I remember throwing something at someone once because they would not listen to my opinion.

My whole family is extremists.

I love them.

I love my mother and her extreme ideas
she's a wonderful person and her ideas are baised on fact.

Which I find to be important and i respect.

I can't stand when people have an opinion about something but don't know why.
When they says "my whole family is conservative so I am too"
and they have no clue the platform or the belief system
or anything.

my extremist family has taught me to accept others opinions
and to base my own on logic, intuition, and fact.
&, how to stick to what i believe.
how to stand up for it.

thank you guys. love ya lots.
(stupid conservative minority goverment)