Some nights I just can't sleep
can't sleep.
Some nights i just toss and turn
toss and turn.
Some nights I roll over and look at the clock
is it still 3am?
Some nights it's okay
cause all my friends can't sleep either
so we all just text eachother
But most nights it's not okay because I have to work that morning or I have an 8am newspaper meeting or something so I really do need to sleep but it just can't or won't happen.
And the next morning I look disgusting and horrible and everyone says
"Are you feeling okay, you look sick"
and I go
"just TELL me I look like 5 kinds of shit and get it over with!"

I'm so busy with everthing
Rehearsals, Work, Vocal Jazz, Chamber, Chem, Math, History, English, Regular Choir, Gym Hours to complete, Friend claiming they are being ignored, Parents saying I do nothing and that I need to help around the house more, individual projects Hannah and I have taken up, the Student Newspaper Ester and I are creating and heading, writing contest deadlines coming up, singing lessons to get back, MORE work, ETC ETC ETC
So who really needs sleep anyways?
After all, I don't even really have time for it :P
Love you guys, even if I don't always have time for you all
i need sleep.
join the club.
we know you love us
in your sick and yelling way
but hey
when you get two hours ON A GOOD NIGHT for sleep? who can blame ya??
=D love ya hon
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