Tuesday, October 14, 2008

TimeandaHalf; Notice Me Horton's-Mum!

At work on Monday,
old couple comes in.
Asking for peanut brittle.
I explain that we don't carry it.
The lady gets ruffled
and the gentleman says
"Oh no, but I could savour that delectable treat, for a thoooouusand years"
and I grinned and chatted with the man a bit.
The lady asked me how much our Citrus Peals cost
(Orange skins from Spain dusted in sugar and then coated with chocolate)
and reply, "2 for 85cents"
& she goes off on a tangent about how she makes her own, they are delicious, and here's how you make them step by step
The man talks over her,
"Darling, its the secret of chocolaters that make it better. Miss, I'll take two of these please, for old times sake"
I'm grinning as the woman continues with her recipe - "after you boil the orange peels you MUST dust them once immediately, then..."
I ring up the gentleman's chocolate
& he calls to the lady i assume to be his wife.
"Sweetie pie? We must away"
She continues talking to empty air as if I was still standing there.
"Honey bunch? Let us go."
& he takes her arm and leads her away.

Gotta say, highlight of my week.
Such an well spoken, rare, sweet old man.


I met my guy's mother today.
met may not be the correct word here.

Considering she ignored me completely.

Looked right over me
did not speak to me,
did not acknowledge me in any way.

I heard her ask him a question about me, because i was sitting right next to him, and she used the word "her" instead of my name or anything.
he said "yes, this is _______ (i love my anonymity)"

I'm not a girl who likes being ignored.
I am not USED to being ignored.
It simply does not happen.
So that hurt.

I swear, she'll have a time ignoring me.
I'll go right up to her and shake her hand and stare at her eyes and say Hello. My name is ________ and I'm dating your son. How are you this fine day?

Ha. Try ignoring me THEN


erin meagan said...

that would be a bold move.

yay for that couple!

beverley said...

sounds like a cool dude! and I saw her kind of ignore you... that was strange

Time to Get Fuzzy said...

I've only met her once.

She's an interesting cat.