Thursday, October 30, 2008

My life is on fire, and it's all over the evening news

There's something about this disconnection
this freedom
this, this air
that makes me want to stand on my toes & shout to the roof tops.

There's something about seeing,
seeing all these options around me and ahead of me
that makes me breath a little easier.

I like the choices and the different people
the new ideas and the proposals brought before me.
I love the most, the fact that I can pick whatever I want.
That with all these options, I can be and do whatever I want

Stay or go.
Stay or go.
With or Not-With.

I miss my old friends.
The friends I met at IMC I haven't seen for a while
& the friends from when I was 12 that I haven't seen since then.

I miss the past.
I do.

But that doesn't control me.
I miss the past but I'm already in it's future.

I'm already in the future.
How odd to think about.

That this present is yesterday's future.

"Meditate on it."
It's my new philosophy.


erin meagan said...

i like how you wrote this.
it sounded interesting.
i think about the whole "living in yesterdays' future" thing a lot, but it was cool to see it all written out like that, and not from me.

beverley said...
