That's right! You heard me!
I'm a mother.
To a baby...
I'm a mother.
To a baby...
Remember my baby pomegranate tree?
It's finally sprouted.

I shall refrain from naming it, as of yet.
It's so small, I can't even be certain it will survive.
But... Wow! I am just so....!
I'm growing a tree!
I'll have it as long as I live if I do this right!
It'll give me fruit, and oxygen.
It helps me save the planet.
Should I talk to it?
Play it music?
I feel silly,
but my, it's a beauty. Been in the world only a day or two.
What a proud mommy I happen to be (:
I love my tree.

Looking out the window, at a very grey and sad winter day. But something green catches my eyes. Something small. Tiny. What is that?
Oh my gosh.

Love something smaller than you
& protect it
Thats so cute.
its a.......... tree?
a person/tree 's a person/tree no matter how small.
congrats on motherhood!!!!
babbbbbeeee shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehe that's too cute =)
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