A penny for your thoughts,
a nickle for your kiss,
and a dime if you say that you love me.
Artist I want everyone to check out:
Sarah Slean.
ABout 30 years old,
Sarah Slean.
ABout 30 years old,
absolutly tiny.
Vivacious, poetic, and talented.
She's written a bunch of her own stuff, in fact,
Vivacious, poetic, and talented.
She's written a bunch of her own stuff, in fact,
most of it.
Her style ranges all over the spectrum,
Her style ranges all over the spectrum,
and she's even done some pink flyod covers.

My picks:
Day One
Me and Jerome
Somebody's Arms
Get Home
Oh Please Be Good To Me
Lucky Me
Oh Please Be Good To Me
Lucky Me

This girl is Canadian, and an all around preformer,
and has been a favourite of mine since I was 11.
She recently came out with a new cd
Called "The Baroness"
where all the music on it,
She recently came out with a new cd
Called "The Baroness"
where all the music on it,
she wrote while in Paris.
I want to be her!
I want to be her!
she is simply, amazing to watch.
Her voice is the same as it is on a cd
Her voice is the same as it is on a cd
and she's hilarious.
She wrote a song called Euphoria, that goes something like this
She wrote a song called Euphoria, that goes something like this
Take me, love me,
and fill the portions of me
that are dark
and warm and deep
-here she stops to make a little shocked face at the audience-

I'm going to, once again, add a piece of her writing, that was addressing a fan email; re: the mention of anorexia in one of her songs
There is no sorrow, no anguish, that love cannot heal. And I don't mean just meeting a fabulous man or having a pet or being best pals with someone. I mean discovering for yourself love in its most profound sense - a feeling that inspires awe and an ocean of gratitude, and above all, a trust... What Tolstoy called "a relationship with the infinite". You can find this. Because, here is the beautiful secret, it is within you and it is endless. The more you think about the silent wonders that abound - your lungs for instance, your eyeball and the incredible intricacy of its work, the trees growing right now (think of all the trillions of trees on earth growing so gracefully and silently right now!) the forces that keep the walls around you steady and the sun rising at dawn, and on and on, the more you begin to realize that you are part of the divinity that is this world, the divinity that is the infinite origin of everything. How could you not be? And that nothing is asked of you or demanded of you other than for you to just BE. (How often I've tried to get in the way of this! To muscle a different path for myself! A bird is a bird, a fish is a fish, just be, just be who you are!! Kids are masters at this, and what other being emits as much pure joy? You are enough, you are a miraculous creature, and that is all. Part of eternity. You are love. The most amazing thing you could ever do is simply let that be - let the love express itself. The rest, petty details. And you'll notice that when this realization really starts to live in your heart, you are less afraid. And fear I think is at the heart of all hatred, all harm, all suffering.
Fear was at the heart of the hatred I expressed toward myself for many years. And that hatred manifested in all sorts of destructive behaviours.
For a long time I felt that I was useless. This is the cruelest thing anyone can utter to oneself, and over time, it starts to do serious damage. I was so pained by the suffering I could see around me, by the anger and pollution and greed in the world. And I would look in the mirror and say "What are you doing writing songs and tinkling on a piano for your living? You've got to be kidding! Is this what you are doing with your compassion and intelligence? Your time on earth? Selfish useless loser!" And so on. I remember a moment in my apartment in Paris - I looked up from the bathroom sink and suddenly "witnessed" how I was speaking to myself in my thoughts. I looked into my own eyes that were so full of disgust and sadness, red-rimmed from tears and booze and insomnia, and I realized I was looking at my sadistic captor. I was looking at the tyrant.
When you are full of cruelty it is as if you have a cruelty-seeking pair of glasses on. The world looks unjust, sick, and callous because that is the filter you've chosen. When you are fighting yourself so vehemently, you bring people and situations and thoughts into your life that will feed that combat. Eating becomes conflict. Exercising is punishment. Your career, your relationships, your speech, all become war.
When you disarm, everything changes.
Permit me this little instructive exercise for disarmament. Go to a nearby park. Sit down in a spot free from noise or distraction and have a good look at a tree. A good long look. Imagine it smiling at you. Seriously!... You'll know what I mean. Try it.
Disarming means knowing love and trusting it as truth. Love then gets behind every one of your senses. You see food as the sun and the rain's conspiracy to strengthen and sustain you. You see difficult people and situations as opportunities to deepen your compassion. You hear the plea for love that is hiding behind all complaints, attacks and criticisms. You feel the life in your body, in another's body, and you're amazed.
I hope this helps. I truly believe that we're here to elevate our understanding of love and to awaken to its transformative potential... I think there is no other more noble pursuit.
she has a music video of her peeing standing up
^^ i love that you'd dedicate a blog to her. ahhhh music... love the new stuff... [glad you "know that moment"]
That was a pretty good piece :)
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