Sunday, August 10, 2008

At IMC; Silver Energy; I want to be; I believe in you.

I found myself there
well, pieces of myself there
it's true.
I might live here
but my heart is there.
Where I spend a few precious weeks of my year
Where my summer thoughts all lie.

Over the year,
I lose bits of myself
I become someone else.
Over the year,
I can't remember
what this place has shown me
what it's taught me.

I know I'll be okay
I know it's going to be alright.
Because my life is taking me there again
& I'll find those missing pieces.
I will discover
what I am

There's a weird energy in music
all the songs on this page
are songs I really connect to
songs that I couldn't live without.

I want to be as amazing
as the seniors in my school were.
I want to be able to inspire
and lead
without interfering.
I want to be able to make a
in the lives of the people around
& especially the ones younger than me.
I had a taste of it.
It was harder than I'd thought.
I'm scared.
But I know I can do it.
I have faith.

The difference between hope and faith
what is it?
My closest friend told me
that my faith in him scares him.
That I can hope for the best
& that if i just believe
I could get dissapointed.
But I can deal with dissapointment.
people need others to believe in them
so they can believe in themselves.


beverley said...

making a difference is sometimes not expressed by those who have changed
and sometimes it is
you have to find those who don't express it
and have faith you made a difference