Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My name; Why I write; Music & me

Alright let's be honest.
My name is not Verity Amani
(Those looking to pronounce that, even in their own minds it's:
VEHRity ahMAHnee)

Let's break it down.

Verity means truth.
Amani means
serveral things.
In Arabic, it means Dreams, Aspirations, and Wishes.
Which is what I was going for.
In Swahili it means Harmony and Peace.
That is just a bonus really.

So I do not dissapoint, my real name is about as interesting and hard to pronounce as those.
But that's irrelivant. :)

from that alone I'm sure you can tell that I have an obession with
and meanings.

I write.

I am a writer
(i think
i hope
i intend to find out)

I wrote since I was little.
I demolish notebooks.

I think my hands look best with ink stains on them.

I love music.
I love singing.
I love the sound of a melody
& the way it creates a subconcious reaction
in every human being
in animals and plants.
I love how it feels and tastes on my lips
I love hearing the perfect lyrics with the perfect melody.

Which brings me back to writing.
The lyrics make me love a song.
Because words can have a melody without having a tune.

That's called Magic.
boys and girls.
Look for it
listen for it.

Enjoy those little pieces of me.
More to come of course.


beverley said...

I like it! awesome first post!

Kevin said...

lol! interesting words! and you are a interesting girl too~

erin meagan said...

this is intense. my first post was crap, and this rocks.