Saturday, August 9, 2008

City lights, take me away

when I'm out, driving at night,
I feel like I'm 5 years old again.

When my family & I drove to Vancouver.
My sister & I sharing the backseat
with a blanket covering us both.
We were both so small we could both stretch out on the bench seat
& hardly touch eachother.

I remember being in awe
of the city nights.
Driving in the city
I was quiet.
Watching the lights.

I would squint and the lights
the yellow-white street lights
the red and green stop lights
the various neon signs,
would all shift and blurr and run together.

It would lull me to a half sleep
I would lean against the window
with my eyes half closed
thinking of nothing in particular
watching the lights.

I missed the lights when we drove through empty country.
& Even during the day
when the city lights were off
replaced by the sun.

Sometimes when I'm driving
late at night
I want to take that cross-country trip all over again.