Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thank you Intuition

My brain is spinning
from one
perfect[ly wrong]

Shame on me.
I know this isn't love.
Shame on me.
I know the guilt is real.

But I don't want this to go away.
But I know this isn't the same to both of us.
But I know I'm leaving so much behind

No where to go but forward.

I'm following the signs.
[thank you so much intuition]

And the signs say for me to live my life.
The signs say I should explore my options.
I should learn to trust.
And that secrets are secrets for a reason.
That if it doesn't repeat, it's not meant to be.

So although he makes me
angry and elated and breathless and
beyond anything.

I'm good again.

I feel like a bird who's re-learning how to sing


Dinah. said...

thank God that you're better now =)

Anonymous said...

little bird.
sing again please.

red. thumbs up.
music. four thumbs up.
(i counted my big toes xD)