Tuesday, January 26, 2010

look around you, cause you're not alone

When I wake up in the early morning
my arms search
the cool sheets for you.
You aren't here.
You nevere were.

And now,
my whole body is inkstained.
and when i wash
i'll know when i am clean.

i hate being ignored.
but you arent ignoring me.
you simply arent around.
you arent here
which hurts the most.
If you're going to go,
though you were never here.

the trees smiled at me today,
and the wind kissed my arms.
i like when they do that.
sometimes i pretend that you're there with me.
Think of it.
Walking in the heat
stopping for a lazy kiss
whenever we need
or selffishly want on.
think of it.
bare feet in the house.
no need to cover up.
we can leave all the windows open
we can leave the butter out.
i don't mind.

Monday, January 25, 2010

have a jolly snow day!

ever feel tired of the heavy stuff?
i need to let go more.
screw problems!
there's a great big world out there.
and it's beatuful 99.9% of the time.

i love the blizzard that is currently keeping my city at a stand still.

i love ice skating.

i love cleaning out the basement with my mum, and crying over the stuff we forgot about.

i love my family, for that matter, even if we don't always get along.

i love painting my toenails pink.

i love having a week off to be footloose and fancy free!
and, get some housework done :S

are you all pumped up for semester two (us manitobians i guess?
i have a feelin' this is going to be my semester!
english comprehensive, english literature, drama, choir, gym, chamber choir, vocal jazz, and universtiy one english!
busy? yes. exciting? oh hell yeah!

i love shopping with good friends,
whether it's for garter belts (ha!) or value village finds, or a new carpet.
just the act of being out and sharing ideas is the best.

whats your perfect date consist of? no, actually. what is it?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

  inside silent dorm rooms
you and i
   and create a rhythm of soft
i ask for poetry
and reason
from your lips.
and get kisses on my cheek.

they aren't the same

Saturday, January 2, 2010

and again youre gone
up in the sky
moving away from me
at about 300 miles per hour.
i say miles because soon that'll be the world you live in.
i guess you've lived there for a while.
you're just returning to
where you belong.
without me.
goodbye dear,
i'll see you in 5 or 6 months.
i hope.
goodbye dear,
i'm a little bit broken without you.
goodbye dear,
i'm going out to play.
because there's still a life that needs living.
it's not gonna stop for my grief.

after the battle, i painted stars in our bedroom.*