Friday, November 20, 2009


Dear Ee:
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart

Words from Jordan:
I've been reading alot these last couple days. reading all sorts of things, things I should have read when I was a kid, things I shouldn't be reading until I'm old, things I shouldn't be reading since I'm a guy, things that have inspired me, things that have pissed me off, things that make sense but I don't agree with, things I don't understand at all, things that touch my heart.

Love's tough. Wear a helmet.

Thought of the day:
men who read are tens - onehundred times more attractive then men who don't.
I don't understand:
Men today. You act like a jerk, then hold me and comfort me. Why.

Song of the day:
We are gonna be friends, by the white stripes


Anonymous said...
