Tuesday, September 22, 2009

turn your face to the sun

i love sunflowers.
because they always face the sun.
Even when the clouds are out, they still know where it is.

And that's inspiring.

Side note:
Everyone's making a big deal over the lists.
Here's my final say on them.
I'm disappointed in myself for not getting into a better group.
I'm proud of the people who did.
I'm ready to make this year and my group, fantastic.
And I just wish that everyone else would take the same stance as me.
The end.

School has been so busy lately. But this year is a good year.

I'm sorry my blogs have been lacking in pictures. I'll make up for it later. Although I do say that an awful lot, don't I?

I'm feeling really content right now. I think I'll call my boy and ask him if he wants to go for a pointless drive.
I like who we are, when we drive in your car.