Tuesday, July 6, 2010

and the living is easy


reaching up to touch my hair
(out of habit, out of nothing)
the tips of my digits graze something
-what is that?
retracing my steps i-
its the braid 
from two nights ago
that you wove in a quiet moment
for no real anything.
you never tied it.
had i not washed it out of-
once, twice? twice.
a smile plays on my lips
funny it should be
be there 
with no fuss and bother.
just like you.
the back of my head, the back of my brain,
youre here. 

  im writing again.
my heart is happy- isnt it funny?
i thought, for so long,
that i could not be happy 
could not love anyone else but you
but look at me.
im so different.
even different than i was with you.
no i dont love him.
but i could.
i could.
life with him is possibilities
is adventure
is romance from a novel i would read.
i like him. i want him.
i needed him in my life.
i need him still.
i want to keep him around.
so thank you
for letting me go.
for missing out.
and for letting me be free.
because im not tied to you
thank god
im not bound to you like i was
and little bird found someone she wants to sing with.