Wednesday, July 14, 2010

as you walked out the door tonight
so late
so late tonight
in my messy ponytail, gray sweats and pj shirt
skin tired and pale, a
little red defiant pimple showing up above my left
was throttled by this sudden
 that you are about to walk away.
about to leave and never come back
because why would you.
and i almost cried right there on the landing.
you turned and kissed my cheekbones.
a goodnight was exchanged.

please come back tomorrow.
please don't be walking out on me
i don't think my heart could stand any more of that.
i think i would asphyxiate on
my heart as it climbed up my throat
in a suicidal attempt to say
everything its ever needed to
because i forced it shut and silent so long
to this day.

what if i open it again,
meaning for just a crack
just a few things let out
just a small thing let in-
and it bursts
all over the floor and pillows and me and you
what do i do then?

its been a long night.