Friday, July 2, 2010

what matters

i dont care about your car-
its stalling and grinding gears, its strange noises and its inability to go on the highway.
i don't care that you drive at all.
i don't care that you're in shows
and can get me into fringe plays for free
i don't care about anything like that.

in the end it doesnt matter one way or another.

in the end i care about

how you hold me hand in public
how you protect me from scary people late late at night
how you look at me and touch my face like im made out of glass
how you want to make my parents like you
how you know what i'm thinking without me having to explain it to you
how you plan dates like outdoor magic shows and climbing onto rooftops to see fireworks.
how you care so much about me its scary

thats what matters.
me and you, that's what matters