Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fool + Coward = ?/! X 2

A rather interesting time.

& a rather interesting way of dealing with things :)

Those of you who know, or think they know,

Yes. It's dealt with.

Hello an interesting few weeks or more
and hello a happy smiling me.

I just wanna hug to everybody I run into.

& I'm being girly. It's horrible. It truly is.
I'm grining and giggling and looking in the mirror lots.

Funny how one little sentence can do that.

Funny how one person can make so much happen.

Can make you feel so happy.

Oh well,
this isn't the sort of thing I'd normally blog about.
I'm usually a very closed person, when it comes to things like this.
I don't like being mushy and all that
today I felt I needed to blog about this event.
Get it out of my system so I can go back to being cynical and mature(ish)
And not a grinning idiot.

*clears throat*

Goodnight all. :)


erin meagan said...

i'm a grinning idiot.