Friday, August 15, 2008

I hate title-ing things.

Working on a floor made out of concret
when youre not allowed to sit down
is beyond annoying
and rather painful.
my hips and shins ache.

But the new job isnt all the bad.
At this point I'm glad I have it.
but we'll see how i feel after a few weeks
a few months
and the chirstmas rush.

somehow writing about writing is all i can write right now.

I want have an image of a day in my head.
I wake up so my clock radio. It's playing a bright cheerful dancey song. I get up and bounce around getting ready for the day. The song following me throughout my activities. As soon as I'm done someone i adore will knock on my door. We'll pile into thier car and go out for brunch. At smittys i think. Then we'd go to Walmart and buy a bunch of discount cds by people we've never heard of, bread, sandwich stuff, 7up, and sour patch kids. When people talked to us, we'd reply in gibberish or look at them blankly and do pretend sign language.
We'd drive to Birds Hill Park. On the way playing the music we had bought.
We'd grab our food and go for a walk. We'd go serching for a tree house i had found once when i was a kid. Miraculously, there are no spiders or bugs in it. From the tree house we can see a huge part of the forest we're in.
Being bored by nature, we'll head back to the city. its 4 in the afternoon. we go to my house to watch some tv for a bit. We quickly realize there's nothing good on so we go catch a movie near polo park. We get out just as its getting dark. We'd drive up to the top of Garbage Hill, and sit on the hood of the car as the sun set. We'd end up staying there doing pretty much nothing, just listening to music and chatting about things and exploring the hill until near midnight. We'll then realize how hungry we are, and go pick up some food at Tims. Then we'll go to my house and crash on the sofa/chairs/floor.
Then we'll wake up the next day and i'll send them home and ill take a shower.

I wish someone would write me a song.
Just saying.