Wednesday, October 1, 2008

'Cause I'll always give you my best

A sidewalks path
leads me to you.
Though we don't look back
We hold onto a truth

& in these broken times,
I promises I will not forget

though you're not mine
upon your shoulder I can rest.
Cause you always give me your best.

It's like a promise kept.
It's like you never left.
It's like a promise kept.
It's like you never left.

What can I say?
It hit me hard today.
You're leaving.
You're leaving me and you aren't coming back.

& I cried over it.
I. Cried.
You know that I don't do that.

I guess I can't ask you not to go.
You need to.
You can't stay in one place. I've learned that much from our short time.

But somehow I can't picture life without you.
Running with and after you.
You me and her marching down the street,
laughing too loudly
flipping off cars as they honk and yell He-ya! at us.

I can't imagine not having you here for summer.
Taking you on my random adventures.
You won't be here for my birthday.
I won't be there for yours.

We'll miss so much.

There's something comforting in the love we have.
The twisted, sadistic, masochistic, ridiculous, abusive, silly, hilarious, asexual love we have.

This isn't a goodbye letter to you.
No, not by far.
We still have this month and the next and the last.
But this is a realisation.

I'll miss you,
while youre off doing bigger and better things
saving the world.

All it takes is a song,
& i can swear I hear your steps.


Anonymous said...

Why'd you have to go and make me cry. go fall down. awww man Nin. it's all changing so fast. you know me the closest, i haven't ever had someone know me so well. i can't hide anything from you, and i need that. i'm too good... or i think i'm too good, at hiding things... and besides, you helped bring out the crazy in me. WE'RE EVEN no more crying attempts.

beverley said...

oh :(

meerkat said...

your writing, brings me to the edge of crying
im not gonna lie
keep on writing janine
keep on writing