Saturday, October 25, 2008

I hear

You say you're sorry
but not to me.

You send a messanger

"I miss you, I'm sorry"

Well if you miss me
if you're really sorry,
then tell me.
Call me up
& see if I'm ready to talk about it.
To talk to you.

I know you're asking 'bout me, but i don't wanna sink no more.

I hear you're really hurting now
over this or that, I can't be sure.

I hear you say you're sorry
but you still say it's my fault.

I bought a new red jacket today, & I've stopped wearing your sweater.

I want my notebook back still.

I hear you're alienating people.
That they can't stand to listen to you bitch.
That they hate how you look through them.
How you insult them.
How you've replaced them.

I hear you haven't changed at all.
That you haven't learned anything since I walked away from you.

I hear you say you miss me.
I miss you too,
I won't try to deny it.

But I cannot say I'm sorry.
I cannot say if I even know if I'm ready to listen to you try to explain yourself.

But I hear that you say you're sorry & you miss me.

So here I am letting you know.

I hear you.


Anonymous said...

very powerful. ps your jacket is cute :)