Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maybe it's time to slow things down
In a few ways.

I think I'm pushing too hard to make too many things happen for me at once
and burning myself out in the process.
Maybe I do need to drop something
so i have time to just...
be me.
and not this big ball of stress and anger and tears i've been turning into lately.
but there's nothing im willing to drop.
so im stuck.

seriously, would it be so bad if i dropped vocal jazz, or chamber choir, or the play, or the newspaper?

Yeah. Yeah it would.

But something needs to be done.

My parents are thinking about stepping in and making me drop something.
They can't stand watching me leave at 74oam and coming home at 8 at night only to plop down with a text book or a notebook or some other assignment I have to do and then worry about getting the layout of the newspaper done soon and then go to bed without them seeing me eat a meal or stop to breath.

Sure I have my days off.
But one every two weeks isn't cutting it.

I had such a bad headache i went home during Choir of all classes yesterday

So really, something must be done.

What'll it be kids?

On a more positive note,
I got published again!


erin meagan said...

you are going to drop it.
but it's for the best.
i see it now.

beverley said...

i'm very proud!