Saturday, October 11, 2008

"You" With a twist

I wish I were you.

You, who can always smile
You, who knows where you're going
You, who makes a difference
You, who wants only what you have
You, who's so comfortable in your own skin
You, who let's it all roll off your back
You, who's gonna change the world
You, who understands
You, who's so talented
You, who is so beautiful it makes me ache
You, who simply doesn't care
You, who's so driven
You, who loves so easily
You, who's so forgiving
You, who is always so optimistic

You all, who are everything I want to be
& everything I admire.

I'm lucky
you guys fill in those holes.
You guys complete me.


erin meagan said...

i wonder if i'm on this list or not.


yay for people who complete others!

HALES said...

im i on this list :o

YOU are awesome. :)