Saturday, November 22, 2008

57 minutes; By example; 32 days; Hotwings and, waterbras

Many Mumbling Mice

are making midnight music in the moonlight

mighty nice.

+I got a call from a certain someone the other day. I hadn't heard their voice in a while. We talked for 57 minutes. It made me smile (No half smiles, right bud?!) And we talked about... nothing. And it felt good. I had forgotten I miss them.

+Why didn't I just think of doing something before?! Lead by example. Maybe we can do this. Maybe, we can make this work.

+Christmas shopping has thus far been, a success. Did you know there's only 2 more paydays, and 32 more shopping days left until Christmas? Ye-oza. I got something for my sister and my mum already. Father is going to be harder, his birthday just passed, so he already got presents, and now i have to try again. =P

+Tonight is Trish's birthday party. At Hooters. (yeah. i know. but i love her so i'm going.) I'm excited because there'll be people i haven't seen for so long who mean alot to me, and at least one friend from the states coming up. And, I like hot wings.

mmmm, hotwings

my sister says that at Hooters, part of the uniform requierment is water bras. To those ignorant to what those are (as I was until 2 minutes ago) apparently they make you like, a cup size bigger.
Oh, what a night I am in for. *sigh*

+We are hear, to create heaven on earth


beverley said...

hmm... have fun!

erin meagan said...

hooters! haha.
waterbras, LOL!