Thursday, November 13, 2008

Legs to chest, just breathe

Sitting on the bathroom sink,
I catch a half glimpse of myself in the mirror
Eye's in the back of my head,
I thought,
"Well, perhaps, maybe not. Maybe I don't have to be this way."
And I wrapped my arms around my legs and closed my eyes.
I left my shower on, the steam making breathing a little easier.
And the bathroom cabinit was closed, making living a little more possible.
It's Mania, back again to claw at the door.
But today I locked the bathroom door,
today I won't let it back in.
And when the clawing dies down,
I'll go back to my room, and stare at the map on the floor.
Here to montreal, there to new york.
I look at the pictures on the wall.
I take a deep breath, hum to myself, and fall asleep,
legs to chest


CaptainAwesome said...

i think i relate to this.

beverley said...

AWESOME poem! it was eerie and beautiful at the same time. I love your writing! :)