Monday, November 3, 2008

Tag, I'm it

Cool stuff, I've been tagged.
By the ever delightful Bev

Rules: mention the person who nominated you, and list 6 unimportant things that make you happy. tag a few blogs and state the rules on your blog. Notify them with a comment on their blog that they have been tagged!

1) Text messages from friends I haven't seen in a while.
2) Big Glasses of cold Water
3) Thunderstorms
4) Canadian Music Groups
5) Coffee and Coffee dates

I hereby tag!

Zed-Double CC, for his poetry and his music.

My Piano Playing Talent, for his honesty

Captain Awesome because I enjoy reading him

Lucretia, Ee. For her wonderful thoughts, faith, her ideas, & her love.

My father has decided I am bi.
Gee dad,
thank you for informing me.
I wouldn't have known otherwise.
*rolls eyes*

I don't understand why he has decided such a thing.


beverley said...

you're bi?! since when?!

'Nin said...

I'm not
my dad's nuts. :)